✈ Free Shipping Worldwide

US Express Shipping, 4PX Express, ePacket, EMS, USPS, UPS, DHL, FedEx, and other international carriers.

Generally, we will send the items once your payment is completed as soon as possible.
Usually Delivery Time takes 7~15 working days (not including holiday and weekend) depending on the country destination, specific conditions, specific the items, shipping carrier or the delivery options.Usually, we work with our Warehouses in the USA and Europe, some items can be shipped from Warehouse in China. Some Cheaper Products ordered with Free Economy Shipping option can be shipped with cheaper Shipping Cost with Delivery Time 11 - 18 working days (not including holiday and weekend).

Processing Time orders is 1-3 business days depending on Logistic Warehouse Country from where the product will be shipped. Also, important on what day of the week the order is placed. For example, If the order is placed on Saturday or Sunday, it will on processed on Monday - Tuesday and will be shipped for the next delivery process on Tuesday - Wednesday. Pay attention, the countries can have different days off or holidays.          

The Delivery Time highly dependent on the Customs Process. Usually, Customs Process in the USA is generally very quick and can be one day or the same day when the package is shipped to the Carrier Facility and does not affect the Delivery Time. The Customs Process does not dependent on us or on our  Warehouses in the USA and Europe or China. The Customs Process in different countries can be different depending on your country of residence and may take 10 - 14 business days on average.  Please check the Track Your Order option for Customs and Delivery Process if your item is delayed.

Note: Sometimes delivery may be delayed by many unsteady factors which are uncontrollable for us like customs, flights, weather, force-major, COVID-19 etc. We can not guarantee delivery time on international shipments due to differences in customs clearing times in individual countries, which may affect this case.

We are working around the clock to ensure our customers have access to the products they want and need. If you need to speak with one of our customer service representatives urgently, please Contact Us

Thank you for your purchase!
Have a nice day!